Do you want to report an accidental find?
In “Reports” you can report your findings.
Follow these steps to do so:
- Select type of survey as “Random sampling” -> Begin survey
- Fill in the blanks, they are sorted thematically. Use “next” or click rubrics “General”, “Sample”, “Location”, “Origin/Whereabouts” to select different topics.
Some blanks are mandatory fields marked with * and these must be completed.
- Rubric “Sample”: Here you can select the type of sample under “What would you like to report?” (For example faeces, carcass, footprint, camera trap picture).
- Select the type of evidence under “Proof”.
- Include pictures under “Attachment”.
- Rubric “Location”: Here you can see a map.
- Use + and – on the upper left to zoom.
- On the upper right hand corner you can select different types of maps such as aerial map or road map.
- You can also include county and state border lines for better orientation.
- By using the right mouse button to click on the map location, all geographic information such as county, state and coordinates are filled in automatically, so you do not have to complete them.